Wasteland - Fact fiction - lyrics


D. 8. marts 2013 sang Wasteland i X- Factor Fact fiktion,  Mads Langers første mindre hit fra 2009. Med Fact fiction sikrede Wasteland sig en plads i semifinalen.





Lyrics - Fact fiction - Wasteland

Imagine a world without me
See you falling apart
Let’s pretend you’ve missed me for a while
Wouldn’t you say you were lonely
And love was breaking your heart
Put on your Sunday-best and fake a smile

I dream of dreaming dreams of her
In twilight she’s a constant blur
The picture’s clear and I’m still fact she’s fiction

Mmm mmm mmm…..

Remember the nights you were with me
Fell asleep by my side
Strangers together, your hand in mine
How come we never came closer
When all the stars were light
I thought we had a moment

I dream of dreaming dreams of her
In twilight she’s a constant blur
The picture’s clear and I’m still fact she’s fiction
I seem to miss the missing part
She’s still my favorite work of art
The picture’s clear and I’m still fact, she’s fiction

And no nothing has changed, ‘cause I’m still fact she’s fiction
Or I may be imperfectly formed in this contradiction

I dream of dreaming dreams of her
In twilight she’s a constant blur
The picture’s clear and I’m still fact she’s fiction

Imagine a world without me.


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