Lionel Richie - Rasmus Seebach - Say you say me - lyrics


Fakta om Say you say me med Lionel Richie og Rasmus Seebach

På sit kommende album "Tuskegee", et album der indeholder en opdateret version af en stor del af stjernens store hits gennem tiden, har stjernen Lionel Richie valgt flere store amerikanske stjerner til at synge duet med ham - og så er der lige en enkelt dansker - nemlig Rasmus Seebach!

"Say You, Say Me" er vidst det man kalder for en ægte evergreen, og at Rasmus Seebach er udvalgt til at synge nummeret med Lionel Richie selv, må betragtes som et kæmpe skulderklap til den danske musikkomet.

Faktisk var der kun meningen, at Rasmus Seebach skulle have været med på den skandinaviske version, men han imponerede så meget under indspilningerne, at Lionel Richie hurtigt belsuttede sig for at versionen skulle på den internationale udgivelse.





Lyrics til Say you say me med Lionel Richie og Rasmus Seebach

Say you, say me
Say it for always
That's the way it should be

Say you, say me
Say it together

I had a dream,
I had an awesome dream
People in the park
Playing games in the dark
And what they played,
Was a masquerade,
From behind the walls of doubt
A voice was crying out

Say you, say me
Say it for always
That's the way it should be

Say you, say me
Say it together

As we go down life lonesome highway,
Seems the hardest thing to do
is to find a friend or two
Is to find the
That helping hand,
Someone who understands
when you feel you lost your way
You've got someone there to say:
I'll show you

Say you, say me
Say it for always
That's the way it should be

Say you, say me
Say it together

So you think you know the answers,
Oh, no
Well, the whole world got you dancing, that right, Im telling you.
It's time to start believe,
oh yes,
Believe in who you are, you are a shining star.

Say you, say me
Say it for always
That's the way it should be

Say you, say me
Say it together

Say it together



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