I Got You On Tape - Spinning for the Cause - lyrics





I Got You On Tape - Spinning for the Cause - lyrics


breakfast comes at eight and i am wide awake
nine with my head spinning for the cause
morning glory hits me like a hurricane
shakes me like the beatles and the doors
tender is the word i give to you my love
never knowing what it really means
do you want to come along when i leave home
and top it off with pills and ecstasy
try to write it in a letter
whether right or wrong
sing it in a song
i will not stop
nothing tells my story better
than the streets i walk
i don’t want to know
where i end up
friday night was filled with matching fever strokes
season for panic to attack
a green eyed bandit laughed and came in from the cold
no reason left for me to sing it back
business never easy when you’re nearly dead
you give and you get nothing in return
sit on top of you and eat a gingerbread
to save you from a lot of your concern
try to write it in a letter
whether right or wrong
sing it in a song
i will not stop
nothing tells my story better
than the streets i walk
i don’t want to know
where i end up


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