AGNES - I need you now - lyrics





AGNES - I need you now - lyrics


I’m fine, don’t believe it
You know me enough to know, that’s a lie
I’m close, hard as it is to say
To toally sense this, as I'm barely holding on

I need you now, I need you now don’t turn away
I need you now, please don’t turn me away

I need you now, I need you now

Out of here where I’ve been spinning
It’s nearly impossible to slow down
One night, of your company
Might be the only thing to, keep me save

The clock is ticking and the fuse is turning
Can’t keep running for what is coming
Don’t turn me away, don’t turn me away

I need you now, I need you now don’t turn away
I need you now, please don’t turn me away
I need you now, I need you now

How many times have I come to you, vulnerable like this?
I know you have the right to question,
but please don’t ask

I need you now

The clock is ticking and the fuse is turning
Can’t keep running for what is coming

Don’t turn me away, don’t turn me away

I need you now, I need you now don’t turn away
I need you now, please don’t turn me away
I need you now

The clock is ticking and the fuse is turning
Can’t keep running for what is coming

The clock is ticking and the fuse is turning
Can’t keep running for what is coming

The clock is ticking and the fuse is turning
Can’t keep running for what is coming

I need you now,
I need you now,
I need you now,


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