The Storm - lost in the fire - lyrics





The Storm - lost in the fire - lyrics


 wish you were lost on  the open sea
Wondering bout you and me – though
I’d never let you drown
I hope you get caught in the perfect storm
With no one there to keep you warm, know
I’d never let you drown

I wish you are left aching just the same
Like the hands that hold the flame though
I’d never let you burn
I hope that you hurt like the way i did
Screamin’ like you heart was split oh
I hope you learn
You learn the hardest way to burn

Things you’ve lost in the fire
All the pain you´ve left inside
You say – I will make a survivor
From the ashes of my heart

I wish that you’ll bleed like the way i bled
Just remember what i said how
I ‘d never let you down
I hope that you’ll feel how a heart can die
When it’s ripped out from inside
I hope you’ll learn
you’ll learn
The hardest way to burn

Things you’ve lost in the fire
All the pain you´ve left inside
You say – I will make a survivor
From the ashes of my heart
Now I´m what you´ve lost in the fire
What a shame you’ll never know
You head for the light, but you´re blinded
And forever in the dark

Just like a feather in the wind -
I’m flying away
And when the morning comes
You’ll hear me say


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