Oh Land Speak out now - lyrics


Fakta om Oh Land
Oh Land er født i 1985 med navnet Nanna Øland Fabricius
Oh Land er datter af operasangerinden Bodil Øland og komponisten Bendt Fabricius (ikke at forveksle med Bent Fabricius Bjerre).
Hun gik på den kongelige danske og den kongelige svenske balletskole, men måtte opgive denne karriere som følge af en rygskade.





Oh Land - Speak Out Now - lyrics


If I jump, will it echo?
 From an infinite abyss
 Does it light, bring the thunder
 Run away you're still at risk
 Be my sins, I'm your sorrow
 If I shout, no earth will shake
We're running away
 Pushing everything over the edge
 We're running away
 If I find out who's gonna catch
 We're running away
 Pushing everything over the edge
 We're running away
 (Falling over)
Watching it all over my shoulders
 Until the masquerades over
 We're not gonna wait here
 Not gonna get left out
 No one can tell you how
 You just speak out now
 Watching it all over my shoulders
 Until the masquerades over
 We're not gonna wait here
 Not gonna get left out
 No one can tell you how
 You just speak out now
It is true, cause it's spoken
 And there's no way to bring it back
 Time is a thief, trying to trick you
 It will happily tell you lies
 Memories, whisper slow
 Hold back, or let it go go
We're running away

 Pushing everything over the edge
 We're running away
 If I find out who's gonna catch
 We're running away
 Pushing everything over the edge
 We're running away
 (Falling over)
Watching it all over my shoulders
 Until the masquerades over
 We're not gonna wait here
 Not gonna get left out
 No one can tell you how
 You just speak out now
 Watching it all over my shoulders
 Until the masquerades over
 We're not gonna wait here
 Not gonna get left out
 No one can tell you how
 You just speak out now
When there's a win, there's a sacrifice
 When there's a loss, there's a bright light
 No stones or sticks kick us on the high
 If there's a law, there's a way to fly
Watching it all over my shoulders
 Until the masquerades over
 We're not gonna wait here
 Not gonna get left out
 No one can tell you how
 You just speak out now
 Watching it all over my shoulders
 Until the masquerades over
 We're not gonna wait here
 Not gonna get left out
 No one can tell you how
 You just speak out now

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